For local florists with a Tax ID number, we sell our flowers wholesale to bring a local touch to your store front or events. Our flowers are cut at the optimal time and stored using the best industry practices to ensure your blooms stay fresh as long as possible. We offer a weekly wholesale market for florists to browse our latest inventory.

We post our weekly availability on a platform called Rooted Farmers, florists will need to send in an application and then connect with ‘Northerly Collective’ to see our availability. Shopping through Rooted Farmers allows our designers to place their orders online, in real time.

There is no cost for you to become a member! On Rooted, designers have access to one-stop online shopping across multiple farms simultaneously, or you can choose to shop only from a specific farm if that is your preference. You are able to search for specific flowers, search by color, or search by design element.

Ready to start buying our gorgeous flowers? All you have to do is apply here: